About Cfeexam

Founded by a group of professionals. Dedicated to helping candidates like you to acquire the title Certified Fraud Examiner with ease.


Our exam team has over 10 years in the fraud examiner, compliance field. Formulate each question with heart and provide you the best quality of service

years of experience

We are the first CFE exam practice questions and study materials provider in the market. With years of experience, we improve and become the best option in the market

Number One option

We are rated as the number one option by candidates. Our reputation relies on word of mouth and we are the best choice for CFE exam candidates

Who We Are. What We Do

Founded at 2009, CFEExam provide supreme quality of practice questions and study materials for CFE exam candidate to achieve their career goal.

What People Say About Us

Wonderful service, top-notch practice questions. Helped me to pass CFE in my first attempt. Recommend all my colleagues and friends to use their service.
Joseph E. Schill, CFE, CAMS
Financial Crime Investigator
The best thing about CFEExam is their enormous questions bank and key study notes. Extremely handy if you want to secure your success in CFE exam.
Gloria A. Jackson
Compliance Manager, CFE
Not many corporation willing to provide success guarantee. This gave me the confident to go with their solution and turns out its a great investment.
Marie C. Bell
Fraud Investigator, CFE, FRM